Welcome to Summer Reading 2024: Adventure Begins at Your Library! Summer Reading starts on June 19th and ends on August 21st.
Come into the library to pick up your Summer Reading supplies and keep an eye on the newsletter and online calendar for fun Summer Reading events to come!
For any questions about 0-17 Summer Reading, you can reach out to the children’s librarian Ms. Danielle at youthservices@lambertvillelibrary.org!
For any questions about adult 18+ Summer Reading, you can reach out at staff@lambertvillelibrary.org.

"Read to Me" Early Literacy Summer Reading
- Ages 0 to 3
- Pick up your Summer Reading log at the library! This year, fill out the reading log with the number of books you read together.
Use the “pawprints” on the reading log to track how many books you read to your child, 1 book = 1 pawprint. You can count a book more than once – rereading is great!
- Each 10 books is one completed “coupon.”
Bring each cut out “coupon” to the library as you complete it!
- 10 Books
- A Prize book and your name on the Summer Reading Name Wall
- 20 Books
- A Prize book
- 30 Books
- A Prize book
Once you have read 40 books together you’ll earn a Summer Reading canvas bag and a $10 Union Coffee gift card!
- 10 Books

Kids' Summer Reading
- Ages 4 to 11
This summer, fill out Summer Reading Trackers and bring it to the library for prizes. Pick up your reading trackers at the library. How will you track your reading? Your choices are:
- 10 books
- Or 5 hours
- Or 250 pages
- Or 5 days
Track what you read by yourself, with someone, or to someone. Graphic novels, manga, eBooks, audiobooks, and re-read books count too!
- Fill out your color-coded trackers:
First Tracker (Green): Your name goes on our Summer Reading Wall.
Second Tracker (Pink): Reader’s Breakfast Invite (Kingergarten-4th grade)
Third Tracker (Yellow): A Summer Reading T-shirt
Keep Reading Tracker (White): Pick prize books and enter more chances to win – for infinity, or until summer ends, whichever comes first!
Bring your completed tracker to the library to get prizes! For each tracker, you get a:
Pick a prize book.
Then decide if you want to enter the Monthly Prize Raffle OR take a prize from the Treasure Chest. Put your tracker in the box for whichever prize you choose!

Teen Summer Reading
- Ages 11 to 17
This summer, fill out Summer Reading Bookmarks and bring it to the library for prizes. Pick up your reading trackers at the library. How will you track your reading? Your choices are:
Read 5 hours OR 250 pages
- Track what you read by yourself, with someone, or to someone. Graphic novels, manga, eBooks, audiobooks, and re-read books count too!
Mark your grand prize drawing selection on the bookmark and turn it in at the library.
You can keep track of your reading either on the blue bookmarks that you can pick up from the library or online via Beanstack, which goes live on June 19th!
- At the library, give your slip to the librarian at the front desk. You’ll be entered in both the monthly drawing for a Galaxy Projector with a built-in Bluetooth Speake and the end of summer grand prize drawing. Be sure to pick a free book from the prize cart and something from the teen prize box too!
- Once you read 20 hours OR 1000 pages you will receive a $5 LTC coin to spend at Lambertville Trading Company.
- Keep Going!
- The more bookmarks you hand in, the more likely you are to win the prize! You can keep turning in bookmarks until September 2nd!

Adult Summer Reading
Ages 18 and up!
Embrace the magic of summer through the pages of a good book! Log your reading online using Beanstack. Enjoy the fun of unlocking summer reading badges and earning prizes! All by reading!
You can log your reading from June 19th- September 9th.
Beanstack is available to use online on your computer or an app on your smartphone!