This is where the paperbacks were until recently. Before that, audiobooks lived there. Before that I don’t know, but maybe it was DVDs. Things change in the library, lately at a more rapid pace. Some of the changes are subtle, and someone has to point them out to me. Some I know about in advance, but some are surprises, which always adds more fun to a day. This used to be a big, white bookshelf, and it still is, underneath it’s fancy new display. Someone worked magic on it, and we now have a place for you to share your experiences and stories about your time in the library.
If you haven’t been here in a long time, the changes will surprise you. The layout of the fiction section was revamped a few years ago. It was a fun day, with so many people coming in to help. The computers are not where they used to be five years ago, and the sign-in system is different; now it erases your history and sign-in the minute you sign off. The magazines are on spinny racks now, and we have a self help station where you can look up books yourself. Not only that, there is a new application on that station called NoveList, which is such a good way to find out if we have more books by your favourite authors, or you can use it to find similar authors to your favourites, when you’re looking for new books.


There are so many more nooks where you can sit and read, or charge your devices, or just drink in the atmosphere of the library. There is a lot you can do at the library. The art shows have started back up, and there are more programs going on. And one of my favourites, the summer reading program, is already gearing up.
All these changes remind me of what wonderful people I get to work with and learn from. Through their dedicated efforts, the Lambertville Free Public Library has achieved the honour of being a 2024 library finalist for the National Medal for Museum and Library Service. Come in and share your stories with us. Like things, share things, let people know your library stories. Our media spotlight day has passed, but it would be still be wonderful to hear and see what the library means for you!
See you in the stacks!


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“Cook What you Have”

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The Best Sale in Town!

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Something to Talk About

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See you in the stacks!

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Take a Cake Break!

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See you in the stacks!

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Drag Queen Story Hour

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Lambertville, NJ 08350

(609) 397-0275