
For kids’ Summer Reading program information, click here!

Kid's eLibrary

cloudLibrary is our large eBook and Audiobook collection – and it has so many fun titles for kid’s. From Browse, just click on “Kid’s Fiction” or “Kid’s Nonfiction.”

You can also always suggest a title for eBook and Audiobook purchasing, all through the app!

Kid's Online Resources

Primary Search, designed specifically for elementary school libraries and public library children’s rooms, contains full text for more than 60 popular, elementary school magazines.

Middle Search Plus contains full text for more than 150 popular, middle school magazines. In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for nearly 200 magazines. Full text is also available for thousands of biographies, historical essays and student pamphlets. This is a perfect resource for your next school project!

Kid's Personalized Suggestion

You can suggest a purchase hereYou can also always come into the library or email us for a suggestion!

NoveList K-8 is a great resource you and your young readers can turn to when looking for the next book to read! Just input some of your child’s favorite books, series, or authors, and NoveList will give you some fantastic suggestions for your next read! Just log in with your library barcode number to begin.

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