English, Spanish, or Spanglish? We have it all!

Did you know the Lambertville Free Public Library has a lot of Spanish language resources, which we are  always adding to? Whether you are a Latinx perfecting your English, a person who wants to be bilingual or raise their kids to be bilingual, or a person who is comfortable with both languages already, we serve readers in our community of all types.

Through our newest addition to the library, Hoopla, you have access to a whole array of eBooks, eAudiobooks, and comics in Spanish. You can also stream bilingual educational music and TV shows for young learners! From conversational Spanish dialogues to romantic bilingual poems, Hoopla has it all. Just use the search term “bilingual” or “Spanish,” and you’ll see all of the materials you can check out for free. You also have access to CloudLibrary, which lets you search for eBooks and eAudiobooks by language and has a huge collection of materials in Spanish for all ages. For those learning or polishing up their Spanish or English skills, you can also access Rosetta Stone – free for Patrons – which you can also use to learn any number of other languages!

We don’t just have Spanish language materials online – come into the Library and check out our books in Spanish for all ages. Did you know we have The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo – which has been very popular recently – in both English and Spanish. You can also search through our collection on the Catalog to find some good bilingual reads before you even come in. We also have a whole section of different languages for our early readers. Did your child love Dragons Love Tacos? Pick up Dragones y Tacos in Spanish! Whatever your age, skill level, or format you choose to learn with, learning languages is a great way to expand your skills, exercise your brain, and become closer as a community.


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“Cook What you Have”

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The Best Sale in Town!

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Something to Talk About

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See you in the stacks!

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Take a Cake Break!

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Drag Queen Story Hour

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Lambertville, NJ 08350

(609) 397-0275
