Let’s Get Baking!

It’s the beginning of spring! On this second day of the season, it seems more like a winter day. The wind is blowing, the trees are swaying, and there is more than just a small chill in the air. Thinking about the weather, and how I wish it were warmer, it strikes me that there is a wonderful way to warm up—baking! I don’t even need to have my own baking pans, because here at the Lambertville Library there are many baking pans available to borrow. I could borrow the loaf pan to make a nice pumpkin chocolate chip loaf, or I could borrow the cake pan that looks kind of like a star. I think that pan would be perfect for a spicy gingerbread cake. There is a pan I could borrow to make Easter egg cakelets, just in time for Easter! There is also an Easter-themed cookie cutter set that I can use to make tic tac toe sugar cookies. St. Patrick’s Day has just passed, but there is nothing to stop me from borrowing the shamrock pan to make a lemon snack cake with a lime frosting. And if I can’t find the perfect recipe on my own, I can borrow a baking book from the huge selection of cookbooks! Spring, you might be starting off with a chill, but I don’t have to freeze. Baking will warm up my kitchen, and the anticipation of delicious cakes will keep me warm!




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“Cook What you Have”

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The Best Sale in Town!

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Take a Cake Break!

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Drag Queen Story Hour

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