Click the link below to read our application for the National Medal for Museum and Library Service.
Lambertville Library Overview and Narrative
Read more about the Institute of Museum and Library Services here and about the medal here!
Click the link below to read our application for the National Medal for Museum and Library Service.
Lambertville Library Overview and Narrative
Read more about the Institute of Museum and Library Services here and about the medal here!
Today is Samuel Stryker’s 235 birthday! He is our founder! Without Sam, Lambertville might not have had a library as soon as it did. -See you in the stacks /Annie
It’s no secret that I love cookbooks. I probably love them more than I love cooking, but cooking is a close second. Here at the library, we try to provide a broad base of cookbooks, from classics, to regional, and sometimes the downright unusual. But sometimes a cookbook comes along that is a real standout. And we have a new one, just in. Christopher Kimball’s “Cook What you Have.” See you in the stacks /Annie
The Lambertville library has a lot of treasures. A lot of them. Rare books, the art book collection, the gallery space upstairs…so many, too many for just one blog post. This picture is of two of the treasures we have here! This is Franta, custodian and curator of the book sale. She is a treasure! See you in the stacks! /Annie
Recently, some of our staff has suffered losses. Here at the library, in the early readers room, there is a category of books called Topics to Talk About, or TTTA, as I think of it.
See you in the stacks!
It’s no secret that I am a fan of cookbooks. And I like to bake. I borrowed the Jack-o-lantern pan from the many available baking pans at the library, and immediately started thinking about what to bake.
See you in the stacks!
When I was little, I loved story time, and it didn’t matter whether it was at our library, or at school, or at a special event, or even just at home, a home-grown story hour, if you will. The child in me was absolutely blown away when I saw my first Drag Queen Story Hour.