First Dabbling in Textile Meets – Sit & Knit


On February 15th, we held our first textile tutorial of the year for beginning and intermediate knitters. We were ecstatic to have four new knitters as well as a couple veterans of the needles.

English, Spanish, or Spanglish? We have it all!

Whether you are a Latinx perfecting your English, a person who wants to be bilingual or raise their kids to be bilingual, or a person who is comfortable with both languages already, we serve readers in our community of all types!

New & Old Book Project

The library is currently undergoing a collection refresh project called weeding. Weeding is a process within libraries that helps us keep our collection fresh and up to date.

Ensuring Equity, Diversity & Inclusion


Librarians have an opportunity to play a crucial role within our larger organizations in the area of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Whether you are part of a city, county, or […]